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  • 1 July 2020
  • News

Cardiff Youth Offending Service rated ‘inadequate’ during joint inspection

The inspection was led by HMI Probation in January 2020 and supported by inspectors from CIW, Estyn, Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, and HMI Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS).


Youth Offending Teams supervise children aged 10 to 18 who have been sentenced by a court, or their offending behaviour has been dealt with by an out-of-court disposal. Teams are required to have staff from local authority social services, and education services, the police, the National Probation Service and local health services.


Overall, Cardiff Youth Offending Service was rated as ‘Inadequate’ across all areas of work: leadership and staffing; working with partners such as health education and police; and providing services to children and young people who have offended and their victims.


There are 14 recommendations that inspectors believe, if implemented, will improve the lives of the children in contact with youth offending services, and better protect the public.

Since the inspection, senior leaders have brought in a new and experienced independent chairperson to lead the YOS Management Board together with a commitment to provide additional resources.

Read the full report on the HMI Probation website.